PG Cat: Hello, hello, hello!
Author: PG Cat • Date: 04 February 2019 at 01:35 PM

My name’s PG Cat and I’m happy to welcome you all to our website. We are on a mission to spread laughter, creativity and interesting facts to all of our human friends.


I get around because, what can I say, I’m a cat! I’ve learned a lot about different cultures and the varied ways that you guys live your lives. I love this planet. That’s why I’m a huge fan of being environmentally friendly.

Right now, I live in Birmingham, England. It’s big, it’s diverse, and there’s a lot happening. Especially food. Cats like food.

Follow me and my friends and find out what we’re up to!Keep up with what’s going on in the world, get new ideas, find out stuff you never thought you’d never believe was true, discover new ideas and maybe get a new hobby. Or perhaps you just want daily motivation or a smile.







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