Our New Home
Author: PG Cat • Date: 07 March 2019 at 10:30 AM


Hello everybody!Let me introduce my friends and me.We are PG Cat and Friends. ‘PG’ stands for ‘protect globe’  because that is our mission! We’ve recently moved to the buzzing city of Birmingham, England.  Enjoying the street art at Floodgate Arch

Today we thought we’d show you around our neck of the woods and the heart of the city’s creativity, The Custard Factory in Digbeth!
We also brought along my cousins Ginger and Cake, who came over to visit.
With a history of different industry going back for many years and a diverse group of people living here, this part of town certainly has lotsto say. From Typhoo Tea to the world’s first eggless custardto modern Street art and alternative shops, Digbeth has played its part in the growth of Birmingham.
Also, Digbethis home to The Old Crown. This is one of the oldest buildings in Birmingham, dating all the way back to 1368!  They say it is haunted, but I don’t believe that nonsense!
Here is the cartoon garden we are planning outside our new home, The Custard Factory! It certainly beats that grey old car park!  As you can see we quickly got thinking about making this place greener.  We love the planet we live on and our mission is to keep it protected and encourage eco friendliness.Not only is Birmingham one of the Greenest cities in the UK, it is also biophilic.  In short, this means it’s an urban city with a large amount of nature and green spaces. Therefore, it’s encouraged that people protect, restore and grow nature as well as appreciatethe environment.
Nowadays, the Custard Factory is home to new business and artists of various kinds, a community that we’re proud to be part of.
This took us a while to climb. It would’ve taken Bill the Snail hoursif Nervous Mouse hadn’t come to the rescue!
It was quite a journey, but certainly worth it to see the view.
The viaduct here stretches overfor over a kilometre!  Apparently, this place will be a “park in the sky”, as part of the Birmingham Curzon HS2 plan. This city is good at doing green and urban.
One of the greatest things about The Custard Factory isthe amazing street art!  Often Changingevery few days, it’s always nice to wake up and see something new has appeared oris in the making. One handy illustration is a map of the area, it’s especially useful since Digbeth is full of side streets and venues tucked away. 
There’s a lot more detail here than in some of the cavedrawings I used to do back in my day!A lot of leading street artists are commissioned to do these.  A lot of the artwork here dates back to the “City of Colours” festival from a couple of years ago.  It’s really great to see different types of artwork being supported here!  The streets are certainly unique and memorable!
It’s so interesting to see how much has changed since our day.We’re amazed by the type of places that humans can live in these days!
We like to relax here when the house gets too cramped. Here is one of Digbeth’s newest launches, The Archway.  This event space hosts an outdoor cinema, live music and sport,so there is always something interesting going on!Close by there’s the Yumm café andKanteen, independent shops, galleries and the Mockingbird Cinema and Kitchen.
I swear thatthing’s eyes moved!
And me!
You know, I’ve always thought we were missing a dog from our gang…
I think PG Raccoon is in shock…
We couldn’t help planting a few more flowers. They’re a great hidey hole for Nervous Mouse.
Don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view. There’s so much for me to climb around here, but sometimes I like to snuggle in the little nooks and crannies. 
I’ve Never been so mesmerised by a wall before!
I’ve never seen you concentrate for so long! You should come out in the day with us more often!
This pool is right outside our house. The flamingos are lovely ladies. The fountain makes a soothing sound for a working cat to hear.
And a lot of fun to play in!
Not when you come in the house smelling like a wet dog it isn’t! I don’t know how those flamingo ladies put up with you!
And since moving here I have become good friends with this very friendly lady.We had a wonderful afternoon flying around the Custard Factory.A bird’s eye view of the Custard Factory is really impressive!
I think she liked your valentine’s card, PG Cat
She LOVED it. I got one back!
And here is one of our favourite places to eat - “Baked in Brick”.  We are big fans of their food and they don’t mind putting up with Caveman’s terrible table manners!
We don’t know what they put in their sauce, but it’s addictive! And you can buy their pizza by the slice – I’ve had to invest in some bigger loincloths!
Sometimes we get to have a ride in the car at the top of the restaurant.
We’re excited to be part of the Digbeth family and see what’s on offer in this wonderfully diverse city. Until next time, see you all soon.

-PG Cat





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