Hello from Nervous Mouse
Author: Nervous Mouse • Date: 06 February 2019 at 04:11 PM

Excuse me, hello!
PG Cat asked me to introduce myself. He is encouraging me to get used to technology, because I find it quite frightening. My friends say that technology is exciting, so I am trying to be brave and tapdancing on the keyboard, writing my first blog!

I am a quiet creature, but I enjoy having a group of friends to teach me about the ways of the world. I was a bit scared of PG Cat at first, but after we met, he made a pact to stop eating mice for good! Now, we are all firm friends, and everybody helps me to build my courage to discover new things. I am particularly keen to find some hidden gems, where I can be calm in the busy city. I will try to tell you about them as much as possible.

Nervous Mouse xx





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